Avatar for Nick K.

Hi, I'm Nick K.,
and I am software engineer 👋 🦊

Work experience

Good IT Works

Played huge part in Varlamov's Christmass Trees shop development and support at the end of 2021. Later I become one of developers for Yung project, where we built full stack application with Next.js, tPRC and Prisma, and I personally developed Assestments and many of the app's UI elements. Another project I've been working on was GraphQL API for Hedolist.


Was main developer for updated Web version of Teampaper, and in a variety of company's internal projects where I've been working with React and GraphQL.

Elje Group

Was part of Interactive Suite developers team where I was working on REST API with Koa and PostgreSQL. I also assisted with Aviapark website support.


  • form-data
    Spec-compliant FormData implementation for Node.js
  • form-data-encoder
    Encode FormData content into the multipart/form-data format
  • use-suspender
    Wraps asynchronous function allowing to use it with React.Suspense
  • then-busboy
    Promise-based wrapper around Busboy. Processes multipart/form-data request body and returns it in a single object.
  • slate-to-react
    React component and utilities to transform Slate nodes to React
  • better-auth-mikro-orm
    Mikro ORM Adapter for Better Auth